Thursday, February 12, 2015

Another year.

Looking back on another year
It started off with a huge fear
My decision to move, to leave people behind
It was one of my toughest, but I had to see what I could find
For me that search led me to the city by the bay
It was the many signs and support at the end of the day
There were many sleepless nights as a worrier
But I needed to be my own person, a warrior
Life I have found out is about the opportunities to share
There will be people who will listen and care
I’ve learned to use what I experienced, what I know
There were times when I needed to just go with the flow
In the process, never losing myself, creating the balance
Having my foundations and building on the chance
The city has opened my mind to the arts and culture
I’ve never thought this would be my future
A year ago I never dreamt of living in a city
But I had to take this opportunity
To have the courage to grow and faith to believe
To take on the risk and see what I can achieve
To step outside my box and see what I can give
To listen, learn, lead, laugh and live
As I begin my second year here
I still remember the times I’ve had there
 I truly miss my family and friends with all the smiling faces
We’ll one day meet again, knowing we’ll be at different places
Having our experiences and shared paths to discuss
Our stories and our journeys that define us


Our Story.

Our life is our own book
Written paths that we took
All the positive and negative
No matter what they are reflective
The moments of challenge and pain
Lessons learned, everything to gain
The pages are illustrated in our mind
The images and words are intertwined
Relationships built are at the core
Stories that become “legends of lore”
Not knowing where each chapter ends
Knowing the beginning with the twists and bends
The chapters are filled with experiences of places
The culture, the characters, the faces
With each book it’s special and real
Written words with emotion and feel
The feelings that we need to share
Provoking the thoughts and care
Sharing with each other the connections
Of the hard work and daily creations
The laughs, jokes, surprises and smiles are bound
All kept safe and ready to be found
Moments in our lives that we need the most
When our story seems to be lost
We decide whether our story is told
We just have to keep writing and be bold
Our words are ours to write
Each sentence, paragraph, and chapter a fight
We are our own story
We have to just remember our history
Prepare each page to be inked
Reflecting on how it’s linked
Our story, our book, our life
Of the words that tell our strife
It can only be written by you and I
Don’t let the opportunity pass you by


Sunday, May 31, 2009

courage to grow. faith to believe.

with every day. each moment we need the courage and will to grow. to learn. to understand our life and all that it has to offer. we have to have the faith to believe in oursleves. in what the lord has given us and the path that he will lead us in.

life is what you make of it and the opportunities and experiences that lay before us. we need to understand and take chances in our life. have the courage to grow in all directions. often times, we don't know what is in store for us but we have to have the faith in the higher powers and have the confidence that things will fall into place as they are supposed to.

faith is no only a religious feeling but an understanding that we need to believe in one's strengths and abilities to do the best we can to be the person we are meant to be. we are all individuals in this changing and challenging world. we become who we are with every experience. we believe in things that we learn and understand.

courage to grow. faith to believe.